
Aloha to André

Aloha to André:

Andy 'Bubble' Chambers, Manu Grafenauer, Max Matissek, Max Rowe, Casey Hauser, Mart Kuperij,
Carolina Butrich Schwartzmann, Marco Lufen, Balz Müller, Oli Stau, Klaas Voget, Fabio Calò, the list goes 
on and on. A special moment during this day, when the ashes from Andre were released back into the South-Africa sea. 
South-Africa was one of André's favorite places.


ANDRÉ Paskowski

André Paskowski
Dear friend, I’m very, very sad to hear this horrible news. Thank you for those great moments and inspiring me and many others. I deeply admire your courage, passion, strength, determination and showing the world never to give up and to look on the bright side of life. It was a hard fight, I hope you found peace now, we will never forget you. My deepest condolence to the family, Ingo, Annette Paskowski and Carolina

Rest in peace André

Photos: John Carter