
PWA | FUERTE – Day 1

PWA Fuerteventura 2010 Day 1
Today was the kick-off from the 3rd Freestyle PWA Worldcup tourstop. The wind came up quite late, but just after 4PM the first heats where finally running. I had quite a tough seeding against Wave World champion Philp Koster G44! When the heat started the wind was really gusty so I decided to go for a safe heat. I decided taking my JP Freestyle 98L pro and my Neilpryde Firefly 4.9. This was the right choice, on the outside I had quite a few power full double moves like; Airflaka into flaka, Ponch into Flaka, Shaka into flaka. I sailed a solid heat and advanced to the next round. If the forecast is good tomorrow we will go and finish the first single elimination and if the wind stays good, we most likely also starting of with double elimination. So more news tomorrow and I going to do my honest best to continue a good performance!

PWA Worldcup report:
The sailor of the day was tour regular and current top five ranked styler, Maarten Van Ochten (JP, NeilPryde, MFC) who would have been forgiven for feeling a little bit nervous going into his heat against the 2009 Pozo wave champion, Philip Koster (Starboard, NeilPryde, Dakine). All eyes had been on Koster during practise to see how he would perform in the discipline of freestyle, especially in the lighter winds which the contest was being held in. Koster looked like he had plenty of moves in the bag, but they were no match for the seasoned freestyle pro, Van Ochten who pulled off a more diverse range of technical moves in the six-minute heat. There’s no doubt Koster will fight back in the double, especially if the forecast comes to fruition.


Photos: John Carter PWA